2011-05-11 22:00
When Kazimierz Brandys finished his novel Rondo in the late seventies, he wrote in his diary that it had been the last occasion he toiled with fiction and the conventions of a major novel and that he wouldn't build any more illusion machines, because he could express himself without those. He...
2011-03-29 11:30
A few years ago, one of our students wrote an essay about “Családáradás”, a very late novel by the Hungarian author Miklós Mészöly. The essay was also published in a volume (Elbeszélés könnyed lebegése) and while...
2011-03-21 14:35
My name is Silent Quill, I am the chief of a tribe which has been driven to a country Reservation. It is a great honour to stand here and talk to the open ears and hearts of people both young and more mature. Here I have in my hands the printed version of the material of a quite exciting and high...