2011-04-07 09:51

Does Péter Esterházy read reviews of his works? What does he think when he's labeled 'literary writer'?
He does. I think everybody does, even if they say they don't. I sometimes don't pay attention when reading them. And when Javított kiadás was...
2011-03-11 13:45

An interview with poet István Kemény from faraway Berlin, Germany, about his conversation book created in cooperation with Attila Bartis, as well as his novel, family, culture, future. About the Essence.
When "Friendly Stranger" (original title: "Kedves Ismeretlen...
2011-03-07 23:18

An exciting event was hold by HABA jointly with the British Council on 2 March 2011, where Paul Collard gave a presentation titled “Unlocking Creativity in Schools: The role of the arts in developing the creative learning of children and young people.” After his paper we talked to him...
2009-06-13 16:35

The Catalan philosopher, aesthete and politician, Xavier Rubert de Ventós visited our country for the invitation of the Typotex publishing company, since his first book translated into Hungarian has been published recently.
He was born in Barcelona, he now teaches at the Barcelona School...