2014-12-07 20:50

The Virginia Woolf Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery took place between 10 July and 26 October 2014, and covered the writer’s life from her early childhood to her death. The photos, hand-written diary entries and letters, as well as extracts from Woolf’s writings, the first...
2013-11-23 09:13

An artist resurrected a few saints, in order to let their body suffer the cruelty they had once suffered according to the pictorial tradition in European art. The chosen saints suffered all these very well. The cross-border experiments of an artist with sainthood in the National Gallery.
2013-11-02 12:44

Rambling on the streets of the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona, it is not usual that a two- and a half-meter-high stainless steel dancer is leaning over us. However, if some meters further a Mermaid from a sci-fi film is staring at us, we can be sure, that we have approached an exhibition which...
2013-04-08 21:49

For past centuries, the study of translating poetry and the translatability of poetry have produced so many academic volumes that could fill a library, and also many concerns have been raised whether it is possible at all to translate poetic texts from one language to another; whether they...
2011-06-01 23:39

The exhibition titled Unmistakable Sentences puts new pieces of Ludwig Museum's permanent collection on display. Even its title is provoking by miming unambiguity, but in reality it calls for (mis)understanding, thinking. As curator Katalin Tímár says: "it builds on the...
2011-03-21 14:46

To be honest, my head was full of preconceived ideas when I arrived at the latest exhibition at the Ernst Museum. “An American skater boy shouldn’t dabble in art”, and “every man to his trade” and, “what kind of an artist might such a reckless and frivolous guy...